DTIYS - sketchbook sunday

Did I mention I finally joined the modern society and got an iPad Pro and an Apple pencil? (full disclosure - I was given the iPad through the company I work for, and I splurged on the Apple pencil myself). I have been hesitant to buy one because they are so expensive and I was worried I wouldn’t really use it. So I feel really fortunate to be able to try it out without spending the money. Here is a little practice sketch I did…using a “Draw This in Your Style” challenge by the wonderful Charly Clements…

This is Charly’s original version below...so cute!! If you go to her instagram you can see the challenge and even browse through some of the wonderful interpretations.

I’m still reluctant to post much on IG so I’m only sharing it here. More on that in a future post.

These little challenges are a really great way to get to drawing for the process/practice alone.

I also came across this great article. This is the mindset I want to adopt with my illustration dream. In this case, Ayo is talking about writing but I think his advice could apply to many different side hustles.

7 Thoughts on Medium From a 7-Year Medium Veteran | by Ayodeji Awosika | Practice in Public | Jul, 2022 | Medium

plus…I just enjoy his writing.


New Paper Set!


Miniature Roses