Super Excited!

So after years of dragging my feet on this, I finally took the plunge and signed up for Elizabeth Silver’s course…

I’ve already gotten started on the lessons. And of course, she talks about Instagram. Ugh. I just…oh I just so don’t want to go back to IG…but I’m going to do it because I promised myself that if I dropped this much cash on a course, I would actually complete the assignments.

So I’m going back to IG but with the outlook that I had when I started posting my graphic design work on FB - just knowing full well that I’m not going to get much engagement but that it is an exercise in “putting myself out there” and nothing more. So very low low low expectations and I’m not gonna get all hung up on whether what I posted was “liked” or if it looks stupid or if there is a mistake in it. Heck, I may not even use hashtags. I’m just going to post stuff for the sake of looking like the legit and prolific artist that I actually am. I just don’t want the posting to take away from the time I spend creating new art. Man, I have a lot of hang-ups about IG. But imma try anyway.

These will be my first posts over the next few days…

all stuff I’ve posted on my blog before. I’m DEFINITELY NOT posting brand new artwork on IG - only stuff that I’ve sat with for some time (that tip came from Steph Fizer Coleman).


Autumn Blessings Fabric


Pumpkin Friends