3x3 challenge - Tropical Paradise

Here is my latest entry into the Sketch Design Repeat 3x3 challenge. This week the theme was Tropical Paradise.

This is inspired by the aphelandra (or zebra) plant. I took some liberties with the color palette but I wouldn’t mind seeing it with more realistic colors.

I really enjoy this challenge because it is pretty low-key. I’m not stressing (too much) and just having fun with it. I’m trying not to spend too much time on each pattern, especially after hearing that some Surface Pattern Designers only spend a few hours on a pattern. I’m also checking my perfectionism at the door and just experimenting for the fun of it.


And I couldn’t resist seeing how this looks on Maja Faber’s spiral notebook mockup! I need to find an outdoor cushion next to a pool mock-up!


Character Turnaround


Too Scary!