Too Scary!

Well that’s goodbye to October and another month in the Let’s Make Picture Book group. It’s been super fun and challenging. We covered a lot of ground.

I ended up creating a story around this little girl (3-4 years old) who is not too sure about Halloween. Might be too scary for her. Her older brother and his friends are excited to go out trick or treating. They love being scared (and scaring each other)!

Our heroine is dressed up as a lamb and is encouraged to go out with her brother. This doesn’t go as planned - another friend is hiding in the graveyard, prankin his pals. Frightened, she runs home to her parents. Oh no!


Mom and Dad quickly throw together some make-shift costumes and take our little lamb to just a few houses on their street. She is happy to learn that it wasn’t a monster in the graveyard, but just a friend playing a joke. All’s right with the world!


We have gotten word that the group will be ending in April 2021. There will only be one more time to join during the open enrollment. And that will be it. Super sad but it has seriously been the absolute best group. It has been sustaining me through what might have been a pretty rough patch. Instead of sinking into anxiety and worry, after losing my fulltime job, I’ve been encouraged and empowered to continue with my illustrations. I’m planning on sending out queries in January to illustration agents!! EEK!!!

If you are interested in joining - it’s totally worth it as you will have access to everything that has been taught so far. Check it out here:


3x3 challenge - Tropical Paradise


Trick or Treat