August Slipped Away

into a moment in time…

So somehow I was a week late to the latest Spoonflower challenge which was titled “Conversational Wallpaper”. I’m not sure how I missed the deadline but August has been full of distractions. With summer coming to an end, my youngest going back to school, and just wanting to relax a little…well what can I say…deadlines were missed.

I was frantically whipping this fun martini pattern together when I realized it had been due the Tuesday before. Ha! But I really like it nonetheless…I can picture it on gift bags, wrapping paper, wall art, invitations…and maybe even wallpaper that could spark conversation. :)

I’m hoping to develop a complete collection around this in the next few days. We’ll see how that goes!


Oh do you have time
to linger
for just a little while
out of your busy

and very important day
for the goldfinches
that have gathered
in a field of thistles

  • excerpt from this poem by Mary Oliver…

“Invitation” by Mary Oliver – Words for the Year



Marty’s Party


Marta’s Kitchen