Frogs – 2 ways

Once again torn between Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. I landed on this pencil sketch after playing around in my sketchbook.


I started in Ai and did a quick colour rough. Then moved to PS – with layers. I’ve been using mainly the Kyle’s Paintbox – Gouache Magic 2017, Gouache G Blair Dry Alt, and Gouache Detail.


As I was working in PS, I copied over to Ai and played around with the live trace settings. I was bouncing back and forth between the two programs – just experimenting and seeing which one I liked better.


There’s a lot I love about both. I think I’m going to just keep experimenting in both programs and with traditional media. I’m playing around with turning these frogs into a pattern – so far, I’m not that happy with it. I may need to redraw the frogs for the pattern.


Cardinals - different ways


Gigi’s chicken coop