Society 6
You can’t fire me because I quit!
Yesterday, Society 6 sent out emails that some accounts will be deleted. Mine was one of those accounts. I probably would have been shocked and upset if not for the fact that I had already given up on that platform. I have had a shop there for years but after they introduced their pay structure I decided to pay and go all in and upload like crazy. I made a few small sales but mostly crickets. So in November of 2024 I decided to stop giving them $13 a month, remove all my links to their website and just give up on them.
Then this morning I get an email that they are sending me $2.90 so I got all excited about making a sale. And of course the thought that…hey, maybe I shouldn’t give up completely. So I pop over and see the announcement that my shop will be deleted. L.O.L. Well thanks for nothing S6.
But honestly, I’m fine with it. My art just isn’t a good fit for that platform and that’s something I should have realized long ago. If you are interested in more on this subject - check out Cat Coq’s blog post here. It’s really worth the read.
I think a lot of artists are feeling disillusioned with the whole passive income model after the Design Cuts closure and now this Society6 shake-up. It’s becoming clearer than ever that the artists who have long preached about owning your audience—through your own website, customer base, and email list—were onto something!
Lately, I’ve been diving into fabric art and collage instead. This piece is still a work in progress, and I’ll admit—the hand stitching is a bit tedious! I’m not sure if I’ll create more of these, but I’m absolutely loving how this one is turning out.
Anyway - I hope you have a great day and if you have thoughts on this subject, I would love to hear them.