Pumpkin Spice Season

No sketchbook stuff to share this week so I’m sharing how this pattern from last week’s post turned out. It’s really feeling like fall around here. I might even roast a chicken and some butternut squash today.

In other news, we went to visit my youngest in college. She is taking a drawing class and absolutely hating it. She’s struggling with liking what she draws and in her words “being proud of it” and oh I just wish I knew what to say to help. Everything I say just sounds so corny.

Besides, I think it’s so normal to be hating our art when we’re first starting out. It has taken me so long to understand that it’s way harder than it looks and it takes discipline and practice. I’m finally at the point (30 years in?) of craving the time to draw and create. And sometimes even liking what I make!

You can find this and other digital resources over in my Etsy Shop.


Fika - Swedish Coffee Break
